Thursday, April 21, 2011

Final Project "Guidelines"

Here are some "guidelines" for your final project.

  1. Your project should reveal your unique view of the world. It should be a set of images that you are passionate about so that you are invested in the process and outcome. How is this project “yours” and only “yours”? Why would no one else in the world be able to make this project?
  2. Your project should be meaningful, with conceptual depth and complexity. Ask yourself whether it needs more “layers” of complexity, both visually and conceptually.
  3. Your project should exhibit your technical competency.
  4. Your project should push beyond the boundaries of what you have done so far this semester. Instead of merely replicating techniques or ideas of others, your project should bring your own creative perspective to the table.
  5. Think big! Edit later. Start like an adventurer and dreamer.
  6. Your project should be cohesive so that the images relate to one another in some important, meaningful way.

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